$1.89bn Investment Confirmed by Australia for Enhancing Health and Medical Research


The Albanese administration is funding a once-in-a-generation initiative to revolutionize Australian health and medical research. Patients will benefit from easier and earlier access to potentially life-saving clinical trials, Australia will receive more value from the $1.5 billion in annual research grants, and health priorities like women’s health, lowering health system inequality, and cancers with low survival rates will receive more funding.

With a $1.89 billion overall expenditure, the “Health Research for a Future Made in Australia” package consists of the following:

  • $1.4 billion through the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to support innovative research:
  • A 10-Year Low-Survival Cancer Initiative
  • A brand-new, ten-year mission to reduce health disparities
  • Maintaining current MRFF funding streams that change lives
  • Additional investigation of three health priorities:
    health of women.
  • Persistent discomfort.
  • Treatment for alcohol and other drugs.
  • $411 million will be provided by the NHMRC to 229 researchers to help them address the most pressing health issues facing the country.
  • Through the MRFF, $62 million will be used to finance 26 clinical trials from all throughout Australia.
  • $18.8 million to expand the National One Stop Shop for medical research and clinical trials.

Each year, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) award $1.5 billion in grants. In order to capitalize on existing national strengths and close any deficiencies, the Albanese government would create a National Strategy for Health and Medical Research to draw in researchers and investors. All governmental, business, philanthropic, academic, and consumer levels will be represented in the National Strategy, which will encompass the whole industry. Through the use of a single national platform and set of laws, the National One Stop Shop will streamline the process of conducting clinical trials, providing Australians with early access to potentially life-saving and life-changing treatments.

As a component of the MRFF’s Clinical Trials Activity initiative, the government is also offering $62 million in research grants to 26 clinical trials nationwide.