Police and health officials say that on a Friday night in western New York, a rabid fox bit at least six people.
According to a press release issued by the Monroe County Department of Public Health, the attacks occurred in Brighton, a town located four miles southeast of Rochester. According to officials, the fox was ultimately killed by authorities before it was tested for rabies.
Health officials issued a warning after the results came back positive for rabies, which can cause “the death of infected humans or pets if untreated.” Individuals who did not come into personal touch with the fox, according to the announcement, are not at risk. If anybody in Brighton had a personal interaction with the fox, they can contact the county’s Rabies Control Program at 585-753-5171.
Symptoms of animals with rabies
It’s unrealistic to decide whether a creature has rabies without lab testing, as per the Communities for Infectious Prevention and Avoidance. However, there are some tell tale signs that an animal may have rabies infection.
Expert Opinion on Animal Rabies
Dr. Karsten Hueffer told Medical News Today that rabies can “reprogram” an animal’s nervous system, causing it to become less fearful and more aggressive. The signs include aggressiveness, attempts at biting, drooling, difficulties swallowing, and difficulties moving with a bat on the ground. In the meantime, the CDC warns against approaching or feeding wild animals because some rabies-infected animals may appear to be fine.
One more method for staying away from rabies is to ensure pets, like canines or felines, get a rabies inoculation, Monroe Region wellbeing authorities said. The CDC states that human rabies cases are uncommon in the United States. Each year, between one and three cases are reported. According to the agency, skunks, bats, foxes, and raccoons are the most likely carriers of rabies.