According to new research, a low-carb, high-fat diet, or a “keto-like” diet, may increase “bad” cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular events like clogged arteries, heart problems, and strokes.
Christopher Gardner, research professor of medicine at Stanford Prevention Research Center, states, “The study adds to the scientific literature by implying to outweighing the benefits.”
“Raised LDL cholesterol should not be dismissed as a minor side effect of a VLCD (very-low-calorie diet) or ketogenic diet,” Gardner said. They cite the increased risk of cardiovascular events in individuals who have elevated ketone levels in their blood compared to those on a more standard diet.
The researchers analyzed the diets of 305 people following an LCHF diet to about 1,200 people following a standard diet, using health data from the UK Biobank database, which preceded people for at least a decade.
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The researchers discovered that people who followed the LCHF diet with higher levels of LDL, cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B are all risk factors for heart disease. Apolipoprotein B is a protein that covers LDL cholesterol proteins and is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
The researchers also discovered that LCHF diet participants consumed more saturated fat and twice as much animal fat (33%) as those in the control group (16%).