Saving The Date: The Power of Table Manners 

Table Manners

Your table manners can speak volumes about your character and upbringing. They are the subtle yet significant guidelines that shape our conduct during shared meals. Mastering these social customs can make the difference between leaving a memorable impression or committing an unforgettable faux pas.  

In this article, we will explore the world of table manners, highlighting their importance and offering a comprehensive checklist to ensure your next dining experience is not just pleasant but also sets the stage for future social engagements.  

Imagine the scenario: a date where you can’t keep your mouth closed while chewing, leading to the loss of a potential next date, all due to simple table etiquette slip-ups. The regret that follows can be more agonizing than any excuses you might conjure up.  

The Significance of Table Manners: 

The importance of table manners cannot be overstated. These customs not only showcase your respect for those you dine with but also enhance the overall dining experience. Whether you’re dining with family, friends, or colleagues, impeccable table manners can leave a lasting impression and contribute to a harmonious atmosphere. 

  1. Chew with Your Mouth Closed:

One of the most fundamental table manners is to chew with your mouth closed. This practice not only prevents unpleasant sights and sounds but also demonstrates your consideration for those sharing the meal with you. Keep in mind that nobody wants to witness the contents of your meal as you chew. 

  1. Smartphone Etiquette:

In today’s digital age, it’s tempting to keep your smartphone within arm’s reach, but it’s essential to resist this urge while dining. Ensure your phone is off the table and set to silent or vibrate mode. It’s courteous to wait until the meal is over and you’re away from the table to check calls and texts. Engaging fully with your dining companions demonstrates respect and attentiveness.  

  1. Holding Utensils Correctly:

How you hold your utensils can reveal a lot about your dining etiquette. Avoid using your fork or spoon like a shovel, and refrain from stabbing your food. Instead, hold your utensils correctly and delicately. This not only improves your table manners but also enhances the elegance of your dining experience. 

  1. Hygiene and Grooming:

The dining table is not the place for personal grooming or hygiene routines. Ensure you come to the table clean and well-prepared. Any personal grooming should be attended to in private. Maintaining this separation of activities shows respect for your fellow diners and maintains the focus on the meal and conversation. 

  1. Proper Napkin Usage:

A napkin isn’t just a piece of cloth; it’s a vital tool in the world of table manners. Always remember to use your napkin when needed, whether it’s for blotting your mouth or dabbing your fingers. When you leave the table, place your napkin neatly on your chair. Avoid leaving it on the table; this signifies you are not yet finished with your meal. 

  1. Timing is Everything:

Timing is crucial when dining with others. Wait until you’ve finished chewing before sipping or swallowing a drink. Pace yourself in sync with fellow diners; this ensures that everyone enjoys their meal at a comfortable and coordinated pace. Cut only one piece of food at a time to maintain a refined dining rhythm. 

  1. Posture and Elbows:

Maintain proper posture throughout the meal. Avoid slouching, and never rest your elbows on the table while eating. However, it’s acceptable to prop your elbows on the table while conversing between courses, just as it has been throughout history. 

  1. Request, Don’t Reach:

Instead of stretching across the table to grab something you need, politely ask for it to be passed to you. This simple act of consideration prevents accidents and maintains the smooth flow of the meal. 

  1. Engage in Conversation:

Lastly, bring your best self to the table by actively participating in the dinner conversation. Engaging with your fellow diners not only adds warmth to the occasion but also showcases your social graces. 


Table manners, rooted in centuries of tradition, continue to play a vital role in our daily lives. These customs are not just a set of rules but a reflection of our respect for others and our ability to create enjoyable and harmonious dining experiences. By adhering to the checklist provided, you can ensure that your next meal is not only a gastronomic delight but also a memorable and refined social encounter.