Alzheimer’s Disease Risks Linked to COVID- 19 Among Senior Citizens


(50 million people worldwide are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, a number which is estimated to double by 2040)

A study led by Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, reported the greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease among individuals over the age of 65 within a year of contradicting Covid. According to the report Covid–19 adds to a growing body of work bridging the link between two.

The researchers discovered that for out of 1,000 seniors infected, seven would be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s within a year. The factors causing the disease to sprout, in few cases, are said to be acting as catalyst in the already existing or underlying condition of Alzheimer’s in senior citizens.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is related to high levels of phosphorylated tau in brain causing memory problems, this increased level of tau was noted in the majority of the covid patients tested for Alzheimer. The disease causes the atrophy and brain cells to die, most common cause of dementia, millions of people are believed to be living with the disease particularly affecting Western societies.

Symptom to Alzheimer’s disease include difficulty remembering conversations, recent events and memory impairments along with the difficulty in concentrating and thinking.

When to See a Doctor

Alzheimer’s is known to have no cure however the symptoms could be controlled through medications. It is widely recommended to visit the primary care physician if the early warning signs are visible which include difficulty I daily tasks, misplacing things or memory loss disrupting daily life.

Though the study was important, it is said to be limited to an extent. However, the new study has laid out the path for future research.

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