Pandemic Multiplies Stress for Child Care for Women in Medicine


The study published by JAMA Network Open, reveals that the pandemic physicians who were experiencing childcare stress had greater odds of reporting anxiety and depression compared to others.

Referred as, “Childcare Stress, Burnout and Intent to Reduce Hours or Leave the Job During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among U.S. Health Care Workers.” Elizabeth Harry, being the author and senior medical director at the University of Colorado Health in Denver, and co-authored by Lindsey Carlasare, a research and policy manager at AMA, has brought the rising medical crisis to the forefront.

The study was conducted on 58,408 health care workers from different organizations. According to the statement of Elizabeth Harry 21% of health care workers experienced childcare stress. While childcare support was a problem in U.S long existing the pandemic has added to it with the homeschooling and lack of day care centers. It is being proposed that the problem could be solved by the cooperation of the workspaces with providing women with a better environment and opportunities.

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