The World sees First Human Case of West Nile Virus of the Year

west nile

As per the Wisconsin report, the first case of a West Nile Virus has hit the roads United States in the Wisconsin region.

The patient of West Nile Virus in a resident of Sheboygan County was confirmed on Monday, in Wisconsin. The virus has also been detected in three animals earlier this year which included two horses and a bird.

The virus is transferred through a mosquito bite which initially picks it from infected birds and could not be directly transferred from person to person. Though the health risks of the infection are quite low it could make one severely weak.

The symptoms of the virus include headache, fever, muscle ache, rash, and fatigue while in serious cases it could also lead to tremors.

While talking about the report, State Health Officer Paula Tran expressed, “This report of the first case of West Nile Virus in a person is a reminder of the continued importance of taking precautions to prevent mosquito bites and the viruses they carry as we move into the fall.”

The officials have urged people to prevent visiting breeding sites of insects till the hard frost below 28 degrees sets in for more than four hours and to take other preventive measures.

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